Director Reveals Jason Statham’s Character in The Movie Transporter Is Gay — In Other News

Model turned actor Jason Statham is perhaps most famous for his leading role as the fictional character Frank Martin in the highly popular Transporter franchise. With that in mind, it would appear that the director of the series’ first two films has offered an unexpected insight on Statham’s lead character.

Everyone assumes that because Statham’s Frank Martin is such a tough guy action hero that he has to be straight, right? Louis Leterrier, who directed the first two installments of the franchise said he always imagined the character as gay, unbeknownst to almost everyone.  In the third film they gave the role a reboot though, and made the character straight.

When the third movie got a new director, a reporter asked Letterier about him turning the character straight. Leterrier replied that he rewatched his old movies and decided they weren’t that gay after all. But for those who want to believe it, go ahead.

The Transporter series landed a television show back in 2012, with the lead role being taken over by actor Chris Vance.

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