A Go Fund Me Has Been Set Up For The Catone Family

A Go Fund Me page has been created for the family of UFC veteran Nick Catone after Catone’s son tragically passed away.

The Go Fund Me page explains what happened to Catone’s son, along with what they plan on doing with the money raised.

On Thursday, May 11, Nick Catone tucked his healthy, beautiful little boy Nicholas into bed to the sound of him saying ” Goodnight Daddy”. In the morning, Marjorie Catone went to wake the baby who lit up every second of her life- the little light filled spirit who made everything worthwhile. And in that moment, everything shattered. Nicholas simply did not wake up.

In the face of a terrible, tragic loss, there is nothing you can say to ease the despair of a parent who has lost a child. ” I am so sorry ” never feels like enough.

For Nick and Marjorie, and their beloved daughter Madeline, the world has fallen in. Although funeral arrangements are made, many people have asked what they can possibly do to help. As their friend, I have started this Memorial Fund to offset the cost of arrangements that no parent should have to make, and in lieu of flowers, ask you to donate to.

A scholarship for the care and education of Nicholas’s sister Madeline will be founded with any remaining funds.

Donations to the Catone family can be made here.

On Saturday, at UFC 211, Frankie Edgar dedicated his win to the Catone family. Edgar and Catone are teammates.

Catone retired from MMA in 2015. He last fought in Feb. 2014. At UFC 169, he defeated Tom Watson.