Check Out Joe Rogan Praising McGregor, Before Conor Ever Made It To The UFC

Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) lightweight champion Conor “Notorious” McGregor is the first UFC champion to simultaneously wield two titles. While all eyes may be on “Notorious” as of now, it would appear that Joe Rogan was giving the fighter praise before he ever made it to the UFC.

Comedian and longtime UFC commentating veteran Joe Rogan took to Twitter back in 2013 to give Conor McGregor some praise. Over Twitter, Joe Rogan stated “I just caught your fight, Conor. Congratulations, you looked sensational! Hope to see you in the UFC someday. Best of luck!”

Conor McGregor then responded to the commentating veteran with, “Thank you very much Joe, that means a lot, you are a (expletive) legend my friend!”