Matt Hughes’ Sister Releases Lengthy New Statement On The Condition Of The UFC Legend

The sister of UFC Hall of Famer Matt Hughes has released a statement on Hughes recovery.

On June 16, Hughes was driving a truck that was hit by a moving train. The accident took place in Hughes hometown of Hillsboro, Illinois. After the accident occurred, Hughes was airlifted to a local hospital.

On Tuesday, Hughes’ sister, Beth, gave an update via her Facebook page and gave details of Hughes current condition.

“Please understand that Matt was the only public figure in our family. The rest of us are just regular everyday small town folks. We have never had to deal with the media and all the added stress that comes with it. We are all very private people and we are doing our best to keep you all informed; but our focus right now is Matt and his recovery. No news is good news!

Matt is off the ventilator and showing some small signs of improvement. There are some stories and comments out there that are exaggerated. Please don’t believe everything you hear or read. This is going to be a long journey for his recovery. Please continue to keep Matt in your prayers. He is strong, he has heart and he will not give up! We are faithful in the fact that he will recover with God’s Grace and Mercy! We as a family ask everyone to keep praying for Matt!”