A Pissed Off Rich Piana Friend Calls Out The UFC’s Joe Rogan

Celebrity bodybuilder Rich Piana suffered a heart attack earlier this year. Piana hit his head when he fell during the incident and was then rushed to a nearby hospital where the man was placed into an induced coma. Piana died on August 25, 2017.

The celebrity bodybuilder created some controversy during his career, as he used anabolic steroids as part of his regiment. UFC commentating veteran Joe Rogan has offered his thoughts on the bodybuilder in the past and now a friend to Piana has decided to come forward with some criticism towards the color-commentator.

Fellow bodybuilder Cameron Angel can be seen offering his explanation as to why he is irked with Rogan in the video above.

Angel claims that Rogan criticized Piana’s use of anabalic steroids and alleged use of pain killers as possible causes of the bodybuilder’s death. However, Angel is not in agreement in the matter. Check out the video above for the details.