Bruce Lee
There are few martial arts film stars to reach the level of success and popularity as popular culture icon Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. While Lee would go on to form his own martial art and gain renowned respect for his skills in the practice, Lee was certainly not perfect. During the filming of one of the martial artist’s fight scenes, Lee ended up making an error that caused young Jackie Chan a little pain and a story that will last a lifetime.
Check out the video above and hear martial arts movie master Jackie Chan talk about the time he accidentally got hit in the head during a fight scene with Bruce Lee.
The two were filming a movie and Chan was playing one of the many bad guys that at one time fought Lee. So he waited for his cue, then jumped in to the scene with Lee. Lee ended up accidentally hitting Chan in the head with a stick, for real, which caused Chan to get dizzy and black out a bit.
After the scene Lee ran over to Chan to make sure he was alright, though Chan describes his much younger self milking the injury a bit even though he was OK.
Jackie Chan’s recounting of the story can be seen in the video above.