Former UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar has now been named by former Wellness Fitness Nutrition CEO Richard Rodriguez within relation to a high level steroid ring.
Brock Lesnar quickly earned superstar status inside the octagon as he made his way to the UFC heavyweight title. That being said, Lesnar’s career did not go without its controversy.
The fighter was suspended for one year after failing his drug test for his big octagon return at UFC 200, leading to the fighter’s victory over Mark Hunt to be overturned. Since then, Lesnar has returned to professional wrestling within the WWE. Richard Rodriguez has since dredged up the WWE star within relevamce to his recent case.
Richard Rodriguez is currently in prison, having been arrested by the DEA for possible connection to a multi-million dollar illegal steroid smuggling ring. The former company CEO allegedly sold illegal steroids to multiple high level athletes and celebrities for quite some time, including the likes of former UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar and multiple WWE notables.
Speaking to reporter Jon Bravo over the phone from prison, Richard Rodriguez offered some insider information on his dealings with celebrity athletes. Rodriguez went on to name WWE superstars Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, John Cena and Steve Austin among others.
After outing the WWE notables, Rodriguez added “Many others became eventually advocates and clients of my product. What is crazy is that within the short period of one year of working with them in what had initially just involved videos and online endorsements by them had blew up into hundreds of thousands of dollars in orders.”
Rodriguez went on to explain that individuals such as agent and wrestling promoter Rick Bassman, Mark Bell, Chris Bell and Stan Efferding that he was able to initially establish widespread connections with WWE notables in which to do business.
The details of Rodriguez’s and other notable members involvement in this case is still under investigation.