Congrats! UFC’s Sara McMann Is Pregnant

UFC women’s bantamweight Sara McMann has come forward over social media to reveal that she is now experiencing the joys of motherhood.

Sara McMann is a decorated wrestler, having earned an Olympic silver medal back in 2004. Since then, McMann has gone to transition into the sport of mixed martial arts.

As a professional fighter, McMann has earned a record of 11-5. The fighting phenom has faced off against some of the roughest and most talented competitors that the sport has to offer.

Taking to Instagram, McMann has now decided to reveal that she is 12 weeks pregnant. Check it out below:

“I’ve been dying to tell the world The short story: Chad and I started trying after my last fight and that SOB knocked me up immediately I’m 12 weeks along! The long version: I’ve had bad shoulder injuries my last 2 fights (torn labrum and rotator cuffs in BOTH shoulders).

“I have to take time off to get healthy no matter what. I’m 37 and I’m getting too close to the time of possibly not being able to conceive. We decided that it was the right time in all aspects. So, yes I will still be fighting. My body handles pregnancy very well and I am training thru the majority of it. Thanks to everyone who is happy for our happiness.”

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