Paul Heyman Announces That He Wants To Represent Ronda Rousey In The WWE

Pro wrestling and the WWE is not exactly in our area of expertise here. If it was, we’d probably make way more money, and garner way more traffic as, but sadly, we like real fights much better.

Still though, we do know a little ‘suntin suntin’ on the subject. Like Paul Heyman makes up for what WWE stars lack in the acting and hype department.

Many think that Ronda Rousey will need Heyman’s help inside the WWE in order to remain effective and believable. That’s because she doesn’t show much promise in the acting realm, and we mean no disrespect, because neither does Brock Lesnar.

Lesnar and Heyman are the WWE’s dynamic duo though, so why not Ronda?

In a new interview with The Fight Society Podcast, Heyman suggest just that.

Check it out:

“I think the WWE audience would embrace Ronda Rousey with open arms. Just her name recognition alone is huge. It doesn’t matter her past two experiences in UFC. All that matters is if she got involved in a story that people could relate to and could sink their teeth into and get excited about.”

“I would personally pay to see Charlotte [Flair] (real name Ashley Fliehr) versus Ronda Rousey. I would personally pay to see Stephanie McMahon versus Ronda Rousey for a completely different reason but why digress. I think Ronda Rousey doing anything in WWE is a natural fit.

“I’d love to see it and would be happy to discuss with her all of the benefits that she could inure by being a Paul Heyman girl.”