USADA Finds Fighter Not At Fault For Failed Drug Test

After months of unrest, it would appear that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for UFC heavyweight Daniel Omielanczuk.

Having experienced an Anti-Doping policy violation back in July of last year for meldonium, Omielanczuk has been in USADA limbo over the past months. With the World Anti-Dooping Agency having recently altered their guidelines for these tests, Omielanczu has not yet faced any punitive measures.

As of today, it would appear that the fighter will not be facing charges after all.

The USADA posted a lengthy conclusion to Omielanczu’s case. Included in the statement, the organization explained

“After a thorough review of the case, USADA concluded that the extremely low meldonium concentration in the athlete’s urine sample, combined with the available documentary evidence and the athlete’s explanation of use, was consistent with ingestion prior to the substance being officially prohibited on January 1, 2016. Accordingly, based on the results management guidance offered by WADA for cases involving meldonium, Omielanczuk will not face a period of ineligibility for his positive test.”

With this incident finally behind him, Daniel Omielanczu will be facing Timothy Johnson at UFC Fight Night 107 on March 18, 2017 in London, England.