Armed Black Man’s Post On Police Traffic Stop Goes Insanely Viral

After being pulled over by a police officer for a busted headlight, Steven Hildreth Jr. took to social media to illuminate the event. The post has gone viral, as Hildreth Jr. said:

“So, I’m driving to my office to turn in my weekly paperwork. A headlight is out. I see a Tucson Police Department squad vehicle turn around and follow me. I’m already preparing for the stop.

The lights go on and I pull over. The officer asks me how I’m doing, and then asks if I have any weapons.

‘Yes, sir. I’m a concealed carry permit holder and my weapon is located on my right hip. My wallet is in my back-right pocket.’”

Here’s the impactful original post, which to date has so far received 1 Million Likes and 400,000 shares and counting.

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