Fan Offers Justine Kish $15,000.00 Cash For Her Pooped In UFC Fight Shorts

When the UFC returned to Oklahoma, a new viral sensation was born in Justine Kish.

Although, the subject of her new found fame is surrounded by an unfortunate in-Octagon accident, she’s making due with what she’s ben dealt.

In a new interview with Submission Radio, the UFC female explained how a fight fan offered her $15,000.00 to buy the fight shorts she pooped in while fighting Felice Herrig.

Here’s what Kish said:

“The most lucrative offer I’ve got is someone messaged me and said, ‘hey, we would love to pay’ — because I didn’t get my winnings. I would say I returned back with half of what I would have liked to have had, and so the most lucrative was, ‘hey, I would like to buy whatever kind of winnings you lost, I would like to buy your shorts for that same amount to hang them up and blah, blah blah in my man cave.’

“I was like, this is disgusting. There are some really disgusting people out there. And so they offered me $15,000 for my shorts.

“Some man that wanted a man cave with my shorts – he has like a UFC (shrine). He gave me his name, his email address, all these things. I really don’t want to give too much details, but that was the most lucrative offer and I’m not gonna… I mean, why? People are saying, ‘send them over, just go do it.’ I’m like, ‘oh, alright. Well I’ll give him my information, but I don’t see how this is actually real.’”