Rony Jason Says He Did Not Assault His Sister, Denies Video Evidence Is Accurate

Who you going to believe, Rony Jason or your lying eyes?

If Jason had his way, you’d disown your own vision and take him at his word . . . That’s because despite video evidence to the contrary, the Ultimate Fighter Brazil winner just released a statement proclaiming his innocence.

The Brazilian took to his Instagram, with the following:

“I didn’t assault my sister. Where’s the photo of the assault? There is no (photo) because there was no (assault). She came to attack me, ‘her history in the city’, I pushed her and she went down, I decided to get it off my chest because I’m the youngest son of the family and I support my two siblings who never worked, and her with two kids.”

“I’m not and never was aggressive. I didn’t assault my sister and that didn’t even cross my mind, but constant dripping wears away the stone. She said in comments and in reports that she came to ‘teach me a moral lesson’, but you have to have moral to begin with. She’s almost 40 with two kids, supported her entire life by her mother and by me. Anyway… I’m not in favor of aggression, who knows me know I was never in favor of it. But let’s move on with life because God gives the worst missions to his best soldiers. Nothing is in vain.”

Rony Jason has been released by the UFC.