The Fallout Of White And Miocic, Told In Hilarious Animated Video

In the video above, you can watch as UFC heavyweight champion Stipe Miocic grabbed the belt from Dana White, instead of letting him place it on him after the Ngannou fight.

Many feel as if there’s a rift between the UFC boss and the heavyweight champion after a lengthy build up of his opponent Francis Ngannou.

Miocic likely took the UFC’s promotional angle personal, and it’s put Dana White right in his crosshairs.

In a new video, the animating genius of Mojahed Fudailat tells the story like only he can.

Check it out:

During the fight’s post-fight press-conference, Miocic dove deep on why he didn’t allow Dana White to put the belt on him, and instead handed it off to his coach to do the deed.

“(He’s) my dude,” Miocic said, speaking on his coach. “He respects me and I respect him. End of story”

“I don’t know and I don’t really care,” The champion stated, when asked if he considered Dana White’s position in the situation.

Stipe Miocic on the mic post fight

“Where’s my coach at? Those dudes right there are my family. They all respect me and I respect them. They come with me. We go to war no matter what – win, lose or draw. That’s my family. We all respect each other no matter what the situation is.”

“No man, we’ll keep doing what we do,” Miocic stated when asked if he would like to be promoted differently.

“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I don’t really care. Honestly, I’ve got so much on my plate right now. I’m so happy with my beautiful wife and our child. I’m very lucky, I’ve got my coaches here and they’re amazing. Listen man, I don’t worry about repairing anything. I don’t know.

“I called him out when he said that we were butting heads. I called him out on that it was pretty funny. He was saying ‘What are you talking about?’ So, I don’t know.

“He denied it,” Miocic said when asked how Dana White reacted to his earlier criticism.
