ONE’s Chatri Sityodtong On The Explosion Of Asia’s # 1 Fighting Brand

ONE has quickly become one of the most popular mixed martial arts organizations in the world, and under the guidance of Chatri Sityodtong it will likely continue to grow. In just six years, Sityodtong was able to help the company grow into the global powerhouse it is today where their fights are broadcasted into over a billion homes!

Sityodtong recently sat down with Branding In Asia and talked about the growth and explosion of ONE:

“I didn’t expect so much resistance initially. What I mean by that is when we first started the company, the first year, literally I’m telling you no one returned our phone calls. No one would give us meetings, and if they did, we were shooed out within five or ten minutes. It was crazy.

People just had such a negative image that the UFC has projected. It tainted the sport of MMA in many regards here. But, of course, our DNA is completely different, 180 degrees different from the UFC’s.

We’re very focused on martial arts and the beauty of martial arts.

Eventually, over time, we broke down more and more barriers with government officials, with sponsors and with clients and broadcasters, and now we’re in 118 countries in a billion homes around the world. Our client roster is a Fortune 500 global who’s who – Disney, Facebook, Yahoo, LG Electronics, Kawasaki, L’Oreal, you name it, we have it now.

It’s amazing because, again, five years ago, Bobby, we couldn’t even hire anyone. No one even applied to ONE Championship. Now it’s literally come to the point where we can’t hold back the resumes and hold the doors, because people are applying in droves. It’s been interesting to see this whole change.”